出品Freed Protocol Client/Serverのメディア1


How it gets data from Panasonic UE-150 : https://youtu.be/VUNvghLg3XE

How it sends data: https://youtu.be/2SfxomUoCOE Send function is tested on Reality by Zero Density. Reality 4.25 seems getting Freed data which is sent by this plugin.

Example Project & Tutorial : https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Fg16qSN4X7U8nkviIdXENTU3s-JT2_aN?usp=sharing

Freed is a protocol that is mostly used by physical camera tracking companies for virtual production or augmented reality solutions to send camera positioning to virtual/augmented reality production system. Although tracking companies have their own protocol to send camera positioning data, most of tracking devices are supporting Freed protocol since Freed is becoming like a standard in virtual/augmented reality world.

With the help of this plugin, you will be able to either GET Freed data from specified port into blueprint and SEND Freed data to specified port So that you can get tracking data into Unreal engine directly if tracking device supports Freed protocol.

This plugin works as asynchronous.It does not guarantee there will be no drop frame or handlingnetwork delay. It sends packages according to time duration between ticks. Besides do not forget Unreal Engine's coordinate system XYZ is equal to -YXZ in Freed Coordinate system.


  • Unreal Engine形式のロゴ