Demo Video: https://youtu.be/zR9Xi6cntGc
Demo Project: https://github.com/CSPshala/MJALDemo
Ever wanted to get an asset or two by just saying "Hey I just want that asset, there!" or "Hey can I get all the assets at this location?" How about if it could be done with blueprints? During runtime? By asking for it by name or path?
Misfit Joe has got you covered!
This plugin retrieves and loads .uasset UObjects at whatever Unreal File System path you would like.
Example: Give it a Unreal File System path (eg: /Game/Blueprints) and it will load the filtered assets in that directory and return an array of AActors (or UObjects if you use the low-level access).
Real world use case: I use my own plugin in a fighting-lite game of mine to pre-load my character's animations based on what weapon type they have equipped (or may have equipped later). Allows finding updated animations by name only, reducing my animation states.
Additional Videos:
Short Demo: https://youtu.be/WD8k3YiHlKk
Pre-publish Demo: https://youtu.be/2LAFDUCu7vg
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