出品Sakura - Cherry blossomのメディア1


Sample Video1(Niagara)

Sample Video2

Niagara Function Description(CollisionKill)

Updated to 2.0

  • Added the falling leave particles created in Niagara.(See SampleVideo1)

  • Material folder, rename material. However, the material itself remains unchanged.

Updated to 1.1

  • Fixed a bug where SubsurfaceColor was not reflected.

  • Added a parameter called Sakura_BaseColor_AddColor to the petal material.

(Example: If you want the petal color to be more pink, try setting this parameter to pink)

10 different cherry trees.

It performs well in Nanite because it doesn't use Opacity Map.

Size is a little small, so please use a scale of 2.

Falling leave particles created in Niagara.

Petal material can be switched between Two Sided Foliage and Subsurface.(Shading Model)

Wind animation with Pivot Painter Tool 2.0(default : off.)

The sample scene uses ray tracing.

The scenes used in the sample video are not included in the product.


  • Unreal Engine形式のロゴ