

Preview: https://youtu.be/bWvLk_ZvbS4

As an example of use, it contains characters that can be operated(BP_SnowCrabThirdPersonCharacter)

 and character that move according to the NavMesh(BP_FoodSeekSnowCrab and BP_FightCrab).

Proper landing is done by IK.

BP_FightCrab chases and attacks the player.

How to use BP_FoodSeekSnowCrab:

1. Place as many BP_SnowCrabFood as you like in the scene.

2. Place as many BP_FoodSeekSnowCrab as you like in the scene.

Then BP_FoodSeekSnowCrab repeats the following operations:

BP_FoodSnowCrab moves along the NavMesh toward randomly chosen BP_SnowCrabFood.

BP_FoodSeekSnowCrab plays Eat animation when approaching BP_SnowCrabFood by a certain distance

After a certain time, BP_FoodSeekSnowCrab randomly selects BP_SnowCrabFood and moves along the NavMesh again.

BP_SnowCrabThirdPersonCharacter operation method:

wasd or arrow:walk

tab, left ctrl, right ctrl:Attack

R, T, F, G, V, B: rotate the body.

Y, U, H, J, N, M: translate the body

k: death

l: rebirth

Technical Details


  •  Realistic model.

  •  Foot IK.

  •  Operable character.

Scaled to Epic skeleton:Yes

Shell width is about 14cm.

Rigged: Yes

Rigged to Epic skeleton: No

Animated: Yes

Number of characters:1

Vertex counts of characters:





Texture Resolutions:

Base Color:4096x4096

Normal map high poly:4096x4096

Normal map low poly:2048x2048


Ambient occlusion:1024x1024

Number of Animations:23

Animation types (Root Motion/In-place):both(23+6 In-Place variations)

Supported Development Platforms: Windows, macOS

Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows, macOS

Documentation: https://eizouasobi.blogspot.jp/search/label/UnrealSnowCrab

Important/Additional Notes:129bones


  • Unreal Engine形式のロゴ
