出品Easter Particle. 3D Modelingsのメディア1


You can get several kinds of FX for Easter.

3D modeling. Eggs, Rabbit, Egg Chocolate, Bunny Chocolate, Daisy Flower, Rose, Basket, Eggs, Easter egg, ,,,

Spline FX, Collision FX,

Overview :https://youtu.be/h7ueFaEs1to

UEFN : Unreal Market Asset To UEFN Tutorial (youtube.com)Features: (Please include a full, comprehensive list of the features of the product)

  •  You can decorate Easter with Spline Particles.

  •  3D modeling with FX.

  •  Check the Overview Video. you can see FXs.

Type of Emitters: GPU 80%

Number of Unique Effects: 19

Number of Materials: 24

Number of Textures: 98

Number of Blueprints: 3

Number of Unique Meshes: 18

* This asset is not permitted to be used for AI data.


  • Unreal Engine形式のロゴ