Note: This plugin will no longer be supported as Epic finally added the missing functionality in UE 5.4.
But it remains available for older versions.
Tired of having to minimize or close the Blueprint editor every time you want to find one of the BPs you frequently use?
Feel like you're constantly searching and reopening the same Blueprints over and over?
At The Tool Shed, we feel your pain!
So we've released this plugin to add what should have been a built in feature of the editor: a "Recent Blueprints" menu to the Blueprint editor.
No bull, no nonsense, just a simple, one click access to those blueprints you keep opening... then closing... then reopening... We know what it's like!
We're for simple, efficient tools and believe that saving you a tiny amount of time, every single time you do something, adds up to quite a big amount of time!
If you enjoy, feel free to check out The Tool Shed's other time-saving tools here: The Tool Shed Content
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