出品Tropical Jungle Packのメディア1


Video : Trailer Video | Feature Video | VR Test Video | Grass Performance Test


Documentation: READ HERE

Beautifully incredible tropical jungle forest pack low poly optimized for your game.

High frame rate 60 fps+ on High setting with GPU GTX1060 & Ryzen 1600X

63 Jungle assets, From Banyan Trees to ferns sourced from the lush tropics of South East Asia.

High quality assets fit for any Game, Arch viz, Animation, etc.

There is Simple foliage interaction but only support one player character, It is a shader-based foliage interaction system. Using the Pivot Painter 2 tools and custom functions, the system fakes physically accurate collisions with grass and plants using Vertex Animation.

There are 3 main maps : Overview, Showcase(Jungle scene) & Grass field (Bonus)

Albedo, Normal, Roughness, Translucency/Subsurface Scattering and Occlusion maps

Average 2048x2048 texture resolution

***Monthly Unreal Engine Sponsored Content product for August 2020***


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