------------------------------------------------⚜️ GENERAL INFORMATION ⚜️----------------------------------------------------
10+ Dark Fantasy Halberds - Polearms - Two-handed halberd
This pack was on Staff-pick Showcase section from Jul. 23 to Aug. 6 (2024).
Include both FBX and Unreal files.
------------------------------------------------------------ NOTE -----------------------------------------------------------------
The "living" halberd which you see in the video will be send to you via email. It can't be distribute via UE marketplace because of the gore/violence material unfortunately.
--> Please contact us via [email protected] with you purchase invoice so we can give you the download link.
--------------------------------------------------------✨ UPDATE ✨-------------------------------------------------------------
V.0.6: Add a new halberd called Hades halberd. This halberd does not show up in the video.
-------------------------------------------------------⚔️ FEATURES ⚔️------------------------------------------------------------
Original design by Naked Singularity (noAI).
Skeletal meshes + static meshes ready to equip.
High quality textures (4k).
2 material options for most assets.
All halberds have static mesh version so the pack works well with any setups.
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Email: [email protected]
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- versions
- fbx