JSON web tokens are string-based tokens that are used to authorize users. The most important point of JWT is the ability to store it securely on the client-side, thus being able to scale horizontally without worrying about a dedicated authorization server. JWT Tokens holds claims that can be used to identify a user (name, role...). Each token has an expiration date; after that time, it becomes inactive.
EasyJWT sub-system:
- Create JWT Generator
- Create JWT Verifier
JWT Generator:
It could be used to generate signed JWT tokens with custom headers & claims. It supports a bunch of claims such as iat,exp,nbf in addition to custom claims using blueprints.
JWT Verifier:
It could be used to verify generated JWT Tokens and extract claims out of the token. Custom verification conditions could be applied through blueprints.
Supported Algorithms:
- HS256
- HS348
- HS512
- RS256
- RS384
- RS512
- ES256
- ES384
- ES512
- PS256
- PS384
- PS512
- versions