HAMLET Stylized Environment provides natural and colourful assets fit for open world / fantasy projects.
Environment props and modular building pieces, tiling landscape textures, stylized water, particle effects and custom shaders.
- Automatic landscape material with 8 layers
- Automatic moss covering for props
- Adjustable colour for leaves and water
- Adjustable wind direction and intensity for grass and trees
- Adjustable grass type, size and density
- RVT for grass (disabled by default)
- PBR Materials : Basecolor, O/R/M, Normal
- Foliage : x34 (trees,roots,bushes,vines,grass,flowers)
- Rocks : x6 (stone)
- Clutter : x48 (fences,crates,barrels,shelves etc)
- Structures : x58 (walls,pillars,roofs,doors etc)
- Misc : x6 (water,rainbow)
- Particles : x6 (leaves,fireflies,dust,fire,smoke,splashes)
and more.
- versions