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The Drivable HM-05 provides realistic driving dynamics combined with character animation. The product has many customizable systems.
Ready TPP movement system
Ready FPP movement system
Customizable Colors
Gamepad Support
Auto Balance
Dynamic Driving System
Getting on and off the helicopter.
Customizable Fuel System
Ready Lamp System
Rotation System
Customizable Movement
Customizable propeller system
Smooth camera system
Look around system in FPP (It is disabled by default, you need to connect the input.)
Camera locking system in TPP
System for raising or lowering the helicopter
Realistic driving dynamics
Triangles 62,587
Vertices 51,286
Number of Blueprints: 3
Number of Animation: 1
Number of Material & Material Instance: 14
Number of Texture: 30
Network Replicated: No
Supported Development Platforms: Windows, Mac
Important/Additional Notes: Environment not included.
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