出品Mindesk Rhinoceros Live LINKのメディア1


Mindesk allows to link and keep in synch your Rhino/Grasshopper project into Unreal in a click without going through Datasmith. It saves you hours of import/export and data preparation that currently hamper your 3D design workflow.

While enabled, you can edit your Rhino/Grasshopper project and simultaneously see the result rendered in real time in Unreal. You can assign Unreal materials to linked geometries and, when you edit that shape, the material will persist and adapt to the new shape. A material table helps you override Rhino materials with Unreal ones. Once you are done, you can permanently import your CAD objects as Unreal assets or Blueprints.

This process accelerates your design iterations and allows you to visualize a rendered model since the earliest design phases.

Mindesk is natively integrated with Rhinoceros, Grasshopper and Unreal Editor.