出品Graph Formatterのメディア1


This plugin offers you the possibility to arrange graph nodes automatically.

To use it, select nodes you want to arrange, or just deselect all nodes and press “Format Graph”(SHIFT+F) button on the toolbar.

GraphFormatter is open source, you can find the source code on GitHub.

It takes a lot of time to develop, please consider purchasing a copy from the Marketplace to support my development.

If you have any ideas or suggestions, you can open a new Issue on GitHub.

Newly update

  • Added strategy for single node selection, format and automatic select all linked nodes.
  • Added PCGGraph MetaSoundPath and InterchangeBlueprintPipelineBase as default supported
  • Added a restriction on the maximum number of nodes per layer. When this limit is exceeded, the excess nodes will be moved to the next layer, ensuring that a layer does not become too wide.



  • Unreal Engine形式のロゴ