出品Magic Merge - Skeletal Mesh and Material Merger, Drawcall Reducerのメディア1


This plugin has 2 main functionalities

  • Mesh Section Baking and merging (static or skeletal meshes) - this is editor only, can drastically reduce drawcalls!

  • Skeletal Mesh Merging - Editor or runtime - works with morph targets and cloth!

Merge material sections and their associated UV maps

  • Just pick material the sections you want to merge

  • it combines and bakes the materials for the sections you select

  • you can configure the merge settings for each LOD independently!

Texture Binning

Merge Skeletal Meshes and physics assets - runtime and editor time

See the feature overview here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44IltlG8aYs

In depth tutorial playlist that goes over how to use all the features: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQrTQ9iVki0&list=PLMu37UUZwLVBUWmu8KCIZ7YyxS6_raFbT

Did you find bugs or have Questions before you buy? visit the support server: https://discord.gg/TaySMET9C7


  • Cloth Sections cannot have their materials merged

  • UDIM materials cannot be merged, but they can be baked out via experimental UDIM baking feature

  • Generally, you should not merge masked/translucent materials with opaque materials

  • you still can but the results are mixed, works good for far LODs though

  • However, you can merge multiple translucent/masked materials together

  • you may need to adjust the base material lighting settings afterword to get the best lighting match with the original material type

  • with some meshes the normal maps bake too strong, there is a custom parameter in the flatten material instance you can use to adjust the normal strength as needed. I am not sure why this is happening and its inconsistent, if you have any idea, please let me know.


  • Unreal Engine形式のロゴ