Extile Plus is primarily a randomization texture material setup for both geometric and organic patterned textures eliminating any tiling repetitions with ease. However over time it has grown to be more than just that and is now a complete suite of environment master materials using Unreal's layering system that can let you texture any environment project both non-repetitively and non-destructively to create a one stop material solution as used in all AAA studios.
Extile was recently featured in the 2022 Venice Film Festival official selection of "Stay Alive My Son" a multi-award winning VR film made in Unreal and that used Extile exclusively in the creation of all of its environments.
*There are many ways to achieve different results in Extile as there are many functions, masters, blends etc. In addition you can stack an infinite amount of layers that are both non-repetitive as well as non-destructible. This downloadable demo simply uses one such method. There is both a displacement example as well as a Parallax one. For a full list of Extile's capabilities please see the Help file. Each master material has many adjustable parameters that can more precisely meet your specific requirements. In these examples I have left them at default settings mostly.
Join discord for Extile and general UE tips
First and foremost, I want to inform you that going forward, Extile will only be updated for versions 5.5 and above. The lower versions will still be available but not updated. This decision is essential to align with the latest advancements in rendering and material pipelines, ensuring that we stay up-to-date with current developments. Additionally, as significant improvements are being introduced with each new release, I may need to build Extile on newly released versions to fully leverage these important developments.
New displacement blends that allow the blending of displacement maps as well two new layers. Also in XDecal there's a new normal orientation switch.
V5 (UE5.5)
Includes nanite 'vertex' painting blends as well as integrated displacement soft UVs. These features are now part of the Xmaterial setup only.
A new Soft UVs check box is available now in the X-Materials _ Textures node. This allows for soft transition of triplanar mapping eliminating any visible seams on hard edges. In the texture node it is especially useful allowing you to build material layers with no seams over hard edges in world space.
New more powerful vertex blend mask in Xmaterials and new Mosaic Layer with opacity parameter
New Distance Field blend node that allows for better proximity masking without the need to adjust any mesh parameters
Bonus XDecal Material with tri-projection that eliminates typical decal stretching over 3 dimensional meshes.
Dither options on certain Xmaterials
Updates of various sorts including a new non-repetitive mosaic material that allows you to use any texture as a motif and create a mosaic based on the underlying non-repetitive tiling texture you set below it.
EXTILE was created to eliminate the ugly repetitiveness associated with tiling textures. Using random algorithms it can eliminate repetitiveness in both geometric and organic type textures. EXTILE PLUS allows you to create many surface effects that would otherwise require more complicated workflows giving you endless possibilities with just one material and one texture set. A Special folder includes continuously updated advanced material creations using non-repetitive functions.
Features include: Staggered and non-staggered geometric randomization ability, seamless organic randomization materials, any color ID selection, atlas material functions used with randomization functions, grout definition and normal application, color effects, multiple cutout effects, backside surface with texture effects, texture-less random displacement effects, a UV pattern generator letting you create chevron style patterns and circular configurations, second texture set blend, height based dirt, z-up puddles, texture baking and more.
EXTILE is dissected in functions letting you create your own non-repetitive materials.
USAGE TIPS (as used in AAA production):
V2.8 (new features)
Extile + Material Layers (V2.6)
General Overview:
Extile + Ultra Dynamic Sky Setup:
Other Products:
Non-repetitive environment toolset
Base non-repetitive tiling material
Landscape non-repetitive tiling material
Non-repetitive prop materials
Procedural generated material shapes
Tri-planar Decal Projection
- versions