出品Nanite Foliage - Stylized Grassのメディア1



Nanite Foliage FAQ

Update 2:

  • Revamped the Parameter Collection system for easier integration with other weather systems.

  • Added Wet and Snow parameters.

  • Enabled the use of wind gust inputs for wind breeze effects.

  • Introduced wiggle effects in grass interactions.

Update: Added subsurface scattering & breeze interval parameter, better lighting. A Flat Artstyle toggle also added if you want to use the flat style from the old version.

Showcase video: Unreal Engine 5 - Nanite Stylized Grass (youtube.com)
Demo (Default settings are Epic, you can change settings with commands, change map by pressing 1 2 3 4): NaniteStylizedGrassDemo.7z - Google Drive
Features Overview/Getting Started. Please watch this video (It is for a different asset but still applicable to this one since it uses the same material) : UE5 - Nanite Grass Getting Started (New Version) (Color variation/Wind/Interaction,BP) [Marketplace] (youtube.com)

If you have questions, feel free to comment on my YouTube videos, I’ll read and answer all of them. For further support, you can also reach me at [email protected]

Note: For better looking wind gusts, use UE 5.4

Nanite stylized grass with full geometry and no alpha mask material. 

This product supports Nanite and Lumen for Unreal Engine 5.1+

Lumen Documentation: Lumen Global Illumination and Reflections in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.4 Documentation | Epic Developer Community (epicgames.com)

Nanite Documentation: Nanite Virtualized Geometry in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.4 Documentation | Epic Developer Community (epicgames.com)

Other products:

Nanite Foliage - Grass in Environments - UE Marketplace (unrealengine.com)


  • Can be used for real time rendering/game development.

  • Demo scene from the showcase video included (Green version).

  • Character & Objects interaction

  • Micro/Macro color variation

  • Global Wind Control

  • Includes 5 base grass heights and bushes.

  • Customizable grass color. Adjust body/edge/stem/top/bottom/entire leaf color

  • Fully geometry, no alpha mask was used, optimized for nanite.

  • Adjustable roughness, specular, and normal intensity.

  • Lightweight wind system with vertex color mask.

  • Wind gusts system with the ability to use your own image as a wind pattern.

  • Adjustable wind speed/direction; grass bends towards wind direction.

  • Grass breeze system

  • Adjustable wind gusts color/brightness

  • 196 Meshes

  • Average Triangle Count 1,600


  • Unreal Engine形式のロゴ