Stylized Plants and Pots include different type of plants with their pots.
You can also mix different pots with different plants.
This pack includes: 36 different plants, 6 cactuses, 10 different pots, 2 "accessories" for the plants, 1 plate for the pots
Plants have vertex colors embedded into the .fbx.
Number of tris by specific plant with pot:
Adansonii Plants: - 2281 tris, 1586 tris, 1711 tris, 2029 tris, 950tris
Banana Plant - 575 tris, 618 tris, 675 tris, 1026 tris
Cactus 1 - 1041 tris, 2799 tris
Cactus 2 - 1651 tris, 4233 tris
Cactus 3 - 2325 tris, 4558 tris
Hanging Plant1 - 2999 tris, 2525 tris, 853 tris, 642 tris, 332 tris
Hanging Plant2 - 4904 tris, 5106 tris, 1408 tris, 970 tris
Hanging Plant3 -3228 tris
Leafy Plant - 596 tris, 548 tris, 400 tris
Leafy Plant small - 588 tris, 570 tris
Purple Plant - 822 tris, 1164 tris
Rubber Plant - 844 tris, 1079 tris, 1182 tris, 1069 tris, 1100 tris
Snake Plant1 - 500 tris, 414 tris, 290 tris
Snake Plant2 - 1006 tris, 426 tris
- versions