STORYLINE IMPORTER is ready to use and easy to customize Dialogue System. This plugin is working in pair with Storyline Editor. Narrative elements can be created in Storyline Editor app and after can be imported to Unreal Engine via this plugin.
Mappings from Storyline Editor tabs to Unreal Engine Data Tables:
Characters => DT_CharacterM
Items => DT_ItemM
Quests => DT_QuestM
Dialogs => DT_DialogM
Replicas => DT_ReplicaM
Nodes (from Quests, Dialogs, Replcias) => DT_NodeM
GameEvents (from all Nodes) => DT_GameEventM
DT_GameEventMImpl accumulates unique types of Game Events used
Predicates (from all Nodes) => DT_PredicateM
DT_PredicateMImpl accumulates unique types of Predicates used
DT_RichTextM accumulates different decorations in Storyline Editor Rich Text Boxes
Some of Data Tables above contains basic data and some allows customization. Hints for customization:
DT_CharacterM has ActorClass field to link abstract character from Storyline Editor with Actor class that is used in Unreal Engine for that character
DT_ItemM has ActorClass field to link abstract item from StorylineEditor with Actor class that is used in Unreal Engine for that item
DT_GameEventMImpl has GameEventClass field to link abstract Game Event type from Storyline Editor with GE_Base subclass that executes logic for that Game Event type in Unreal Engine
DT_PredicateMImpl has PredicateClass field to link abstract Predicate type from Storyline Editor with P_Base subclass that executes logic for that Predicate type in Unreal Engine
DT_RichTextM can be used to apply decorations in Unreal Engine Rich Text Boxes according to decorations in Storyline Editor Rich Text Boxes
Plugin contains Blueprint Function Library and complete set of abstract classes and interfaces to build custom Dialogue System with Quest subsystem around Storyline Editor data:
IStorylineSource is interface for getting Data Tables
IStorylineContext is interface for getting/setting context of your storyline (it should provide data for Predicates check, apply changes from Game Events, store historical data for Dialogs, Quests, etc.)
UStorylineServiceBFL is globally accessible Blueprint Function Library for main operations with imported data
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