This powerful asset is perfect for creating immersive puzzles, traps, or battle systems in your game.
Our package includes emitters, sensors, and reflectors to create dynamic and engaging laser-based gameplay.
With blueprint classes and a remote system, you have all the tools you need to make your game stand out.
Note : this project dont use local variable anymore to make replication easier.Features:
Laser emitters.
Laser duplicator.
Laser bounce.
Multiple senssor.
Remote system.
Number of Blueprints: 11
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: (Yes)
Mac: (Yes)
Documentation: In the project file (not visible in unreal use your explorer to find it).
Important/Additional Notes: Laser trace channel may not be setup if you are on 5.1 to add it
Go to : Edit>Project Settings>Engine>Collision>Add new trace channel> Name:Laser Default interaction : Block
A discord id at your disposition if you need any help : Here
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