This is a complete framework (with a complete example project) used for building an In Game Multiplayer Level Editor.
Example Project / Playlist / Support Discord / DEMO
Everything is replicated out of the box with the intention of allowing players to build maps with their friends that they can save and load whenever they please. The provided tools feature what you would expect out of an editor with some Unreal Engine aspects added such as the Alt + Drag duplication for items in the world. As always with my products, the core is built in C++ but with blueprint in mind so no C++ is required to use this asset!
In the example I provide:
- Content Browser for placing items in the world (with optional replicated pre placing)
- World Settings to control the time of day and brightness of the sun (Replicated and saved with your level)
- Details Panel for manually entering in your location/rotation/scale of your selection and changing each selected mesh's material's (not limited, can do multi material meshes and multi mesh items!!!)
- Tools Panel for controlling your snap settings for location and rotation such as enabling/disabling snapping and setting the snap amount
- World Outliner which has two examples setup, one for displaying all the items in the world and the other for displaying only items that you own (you have spawned)
- Save and Load which allows you to save the map at any point in time with any name and load said map at any time
- All example hotkeys setup to correspond to Unreal Engine's default editor hotkeys so Camera Movement, Increase/Decrease camera speed, Undo/Redo, Copy/Paste, Duplicate Dragging, Multiple Selection (shift + left click), Delete, World and Local Coordinates for Gizmo, Toggling between gizmos of All/Location/Rotation/Scale, all correspond to Unreal Engines own keys.
- versions