Restroom Big Pack includes:
- Accessories (26): Toilet Paper/Brush holders, Hooks, Soap Dispensers,, Trash Cans etc.
- Ceiling Lights (12): different designs and shapes
- Chair (2): chair and seat for lactation room
- Mirror (14): wall mirrors of various shapes and sizes
- Signs and Figures (35): 5 types of basic restroom signs, Out of Order paper
- Sink (14): 7 ready Sinks and 4 modular pieces for customization, 3 Sink Faucets
- Stall and Door (9): meshes needed for BP_Door and BP_Toilet Stall
- Toilet (8): Floor and Wall Hung Toilets. Assembled and separate parts; Handles
- Toilet Paper (6): 3 rolls and 3 piles
- Urinal (7): Urinals with sensor/button, Divider, Out of Order tape
- Vents (3): 3 types of wall vents
- Walls (7): 3 door openings, 4 walls
- Wet Floor (3): Wet Floor Sign
- Toilet (1): lid/seat opening, change Toilet type and materials, water inside
- Ceiling Lights (13): change intensity, temperature, cone angle, on/off events
- Mirror (7): front light, backlight behind mirror, dry/wet
- Door (1): customizable Door BP with (or without) physics, interactable (or not)
- Toilet Stall (1): customizable Stall BP with (or without) physics
Materials and instances:
- Ceramic Tiles (56)
- Tiles Broken Decals (4)
- Tiles Crack Decals (3)
- Ceramics (6)
- Floor Water Decals (2)
- Frosted Glass (4)
- Metal (15)
- Plastic (21)
- Sign Decals (5)
- Signs (9)
- Toilet Paper (4)
- Wet Floor (2)
- Penguin Ceramics Decal (1)
- Various Materials (16)
- Ceramic Tiles (64)
- Sign Decals (15)
- Various Textures (23)
- Overview (all meshes)
- Demo Map (11 rooms)
Pack fully included in Restroom Big Pack: Ceramic Tiles, Restroom Basic Pack
- versions