Video overview: https://youtu.be/2JGzEQOaNS8
Documentation: https://nfbmakes.notion.site/Side-Scroller-Template-Documentation-2a854d4ba88c413d9a02883e5102650f
Get started building 2D platformers, roguelikes, fighting games, and more with this side-scroller template. Includes core camera, movement, and interaction solutions for 2D side-scrolling games. Completely free, to help demonstrate recommended design patterns in Unreal.
- DESIGNED FOR REPLICATION - Build multiplayer experiences right out of the box.
- IMPLEMENTED IN C++, BUILT FOR USE WITH BLUEPRINTS - Get the benefits of native performance, customize functionality in code or blueprints as you prefer, and use in any C++ or BP-only project.
- EXTENDS UNREAL’S CHARACTER CLASS - This makes it easy to integrate with other assets/plugins, and helps you follow Unreal-centric paradigms when learning to develop.
- CORE FEATURES FOR 2D GAMES: Dashing, wallsliding, walljumping, one-way platforms, and more.
- HIGHLY CUSTOMIZABLE CAMERA SYSTEM - Add triggers to zoom, lock Z-height, lead the character, change angles, blend to other cameras, and much more, right from the editor.
- PLATFORMER-QUALITY MOVEMENT - One-tap left-right-only 180-degree turns, input-buffered walljumps, jump-cancelled dashes, and more, with fixes to Unreal’s default third-person behavior.
- THOROUGH DOCUMENTATION - Covers all customizable behaviors, and shows how you can extend functionality.
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