出品Fixed Camera Templateのメディア1



This template provides one camera Blueprint that supports multiple kinds of fixed/tracking cameras.

Cameras can:

  • Be completely fixed or track the Player with optional interpolation.

  • Freely to rotate in any direction or be limited to panning / tilting only.

  • Have individual limits for left/right rotation.

  • Orbit around an origin point when tracking the player.

  • Allow the player to nudge the view slightly left/right/up/down. Mouse or Gamepad.

  • Be attached to and dolly along a Camera Rig Rail.

  • Have individual CameraShakes.

  • Use the standard Unreal camera or be swapped for a CineCamera.

Another Blueprint uses a TriggerVolume to manage changing between cameras. Use this blueprint to hard cut or blend to a new camera over time when the Player enters the TriggerVolume. This blueprint can also handle switching to standard ThirdPerson or side-scroller movement.

Fixed Camera Player Controller and Player Input:

Uses Enhanced Input.

Supports multiple kinds of gameplay:

  • Movement relative to a FixedCamera

  • Tank controls

  • Side-scroller movement

  • Point-and-click movement

Controller also keeps track of which camera was active when the Player started a movement. There is a variable to switch between allowing movement relative to a previously active camera or movement relative only to the currently active camera.


Button Prompt Widget

Widget can display contextual button prompts (eg when Interaction possible) or tutorial button prompts for a specified time. Reads the value of an Input Action from an Input Mapping Context to get the currently mapped key as well as its display name. Display Text can also be overridden to give extra details about the possible Interaction or about the Input.


Two components for Player and Actors they can interact with.

  • Gets Actor in front of Player/Under Player Cursor.

  • Displays ButtonPrompt and highlights mesh components on that Actor.

  • Calls EventDispatcher that can trigger code on the individual Actor this Component is attached to.

  • DestinationHints - in Point-and-Click mode, Player can highlight objects from far away. Multiple DestinationHints can be added to an Actor and the Player will move towards the location of the nearest Hint.

Example Maps:

  • Overview: Demonstration of various Camera/Controller features.

  • ActionHorror: No cursor. Example transition between FixedCamera and ThirdPerson.

  • InteractiveAction: Cursor enabled. Point-and-click to move / interact.

  • Platformer: No cursor. Example transition between FixedCamera and Side-scroller.


  • Unreal Engine形式のロゴ