The PlayerStartPlugin enables you to easily set up, manage and switch the PlayerStarts in a map/game. Select the current PlayerStart through the WorldSettings in the Editor Outliner.
Installation and setup
- Download the PlayerStartPlugin from the Epic Marketplace
- Create a new Project with Unreal Editor. C++ or Blueprint
- Enable PlayerStartPlugin in the Unreal Editor > Restart the Editor!
- Set PSWorldSettings as default WorldSettings class in Project-Settings > WorldSettings
- Restart Project / Unreal Editor Important!
- Set PSGameModeBase as GameMode Override in the WorldSettings (in UE4 this should be done automatically - in UE5 you'll have to do this manually)
- You now can create your own GameMode class (Blueprint) with PSGameModeBase as a parent and then use that new class as GameMode Override in the WorldSettings Editor Outliner
- Select your own PlayerCharacter from the content browser as the DefaultPawn in the GameMode Override settings
- Place your PlayerStarts on the map where ever you want them
- ONLY FOR UE4 => Remove your PlayerCharacter from the level > Otherwise the plugin won't work
- Set your preferred PlayerStart in the Editor Outliner of the WorldSettings (In "PlayerStart" category)
- Save and start the game to test your setup PlayerStart and the Plugin installation/configuration
YouTube video "HowTo":
Alternative download:
Version History:
1.0.6 (6) - 17.08.2022
- Bugfix to avoid crashing when adding PlayerStarts after switching levels. Added PendingDelete(). Thanks to "scheltopusik" for reporting this bug
1.0.5 (5) - 08.05.2022
- Initial released version
- versions