!!!!! UPDATE !!!!!
We have compiled for 5, 5.1, 5.2, and 5.3 and uploaded to be reviewed by Epic.
We skipped 4.27 due to issues - this worked out well because Unreal does not support submitting of plugins below Unreal Engine 5. If you want a copy please email us and we can share a cloud drive.
Thanks for your patience with the update schedule.
We created this plugin from a requirement we had from another project where we place actors in front of the camera so the shots line up nicely.
The editor camera properties are not exposed to blueprints, thus this function library exposes them to blueprints
We hope this plugin will be used as a tool for you to create scenes faster, or as a learning tool of exposing the properties if the editor camera to blueprints.
We expose these functions to a Utility Widget blueprint which you can run in the editor.
Documentation: Link - https://scenegraphstudios.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/GetSetCameraEditor-Doc.pdf
Github: https://github.com/scenegraphstudios/GetSetCameraEditor/branches <- the github page you can find previous versions of the plugin and look over the code yourself.
- versions